The Family of All Life Alliance
Ungrateful Week
Ungrateful Week time
Suggestions for which week this year we should have Ungrateful Week in Australia to demonstrate the many ways the previously Stone Age people have shown their lack of appreciation of being brought up to date by the First Fleet arriving and having clothes, a regular food supply, transport other than by foot, houses other than a few twigs over a broken branch, protection from neighbours who make a habit of killing your rellies, all babies making it to adulthood instead of being knocked on the head if number two or three, to mention some of the things they apparently reject.
Ungrateful Week needs to be sufficiently distant from the other weeks which celebrate Aboriginal Australians. From the above your observation is “about what?” but just ensure the new week is at a different time.
Please email me your suggested times.
What to do in 2026
Ungrateful Week
Invasion alternative
There are lots of national parks in Australia where nature is dominant and which should be the destination of all Aboriginal people participating in the Invasion Day marches.
All such people should be identified.
They should then be relocated to an appropriate national park in the circumstances they would have had if the First Fleet had not arrived with the assumption that having not advanced in twenty two million days the intervening ninety thousand days would have made no difference.
Hence on reaching the park these people would get naked, given a spear and boomerang, and told to go walking.
There would be no money provided, or transport, or food, or homes or anything else representative of the Australia they hate and which was provided in 1788 by the English.
What a saving.
What a relief.
No more complaining Ungratefuls.
The Ungrateful Week calendar will be announced soon when you can read their history of ingratitude since 1970.
Humans and the planet
Humans need to care for the Earth and all life on it because they are not doing so at present.
An important problem humans have is that their numbers are excessive so any problem from being human is exacerbated by the fact that there are way too many of them.
With two billion as being the optimum number of humans birth rates have to decline and women should not have more than two offspring.
We are not here for just hundreds of years but millions of years with the way we live currently being completely unsustainable.
The present emphasis on producing electricity with wind and sun ignores the problem that these methods are producing mountains of landfill which only gets worse because both have relatively short lives of up to fifteen years before requiring renewal. Both must be altered if their use is to continue so that their components are recyclable.
But obviously this applies to all products in that they must all be recyclable.
Planet warming and its consequences from burning carbon fuels is being addressed but anticipated cessation times are likely to be found optimistic as many countries are too poor to begin using other methods unless these methods are cheaper which means either cheaper methods are found or their use is subsidised by richer countries.
Hence we must make all products recyclable, and stop burning carbon fuels, making so many little humans, making other life forms extinct, and generally ensure that we still have a home for all life in millions of years time.
Custodians are defined as “a person who has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something”.
During the 65,000 years they have been here the Australian Aboriginal humans have eaten to extinction too many other animals to be described as taking care of or protecting life on this island.
The image show some that went into their mouths.
Feedback on bees on planet Maxwell 01; to bee or not to bee.
Did you think WIND
The problem in the Maxwell Empire Books which initiated the request for help was that somewhere I have written there is a need for millions of robot bees on new planets like Maxwell 01. I do not remember which book it is in but I realised it is wrong and needs fixing. Hence I wanted any readers who knew the location of the bee problem to let me know so that if I edit the books I could fix it. Now just send me an email if you find it.
Obviously you need to think why I realised I do not need a million bees?
Remember the robots on Maxwell 01 have covered the planet with modified plants that will add oxygen to the atmosphere.
So is this what you found?
Many trees are pollinated by the wind, including:
Hardwood trees: Oaks, maples, and birches are common wind-pollinated trees in temperate forests.
Nut trees: Pecans, pistachios, hickories, black walnut, butternut, hazelnut, and English walnut are all wind-pollinated.
Coniferous trees: Pines, spruces, and firs are wind-pollinated.
Other trees: Chestnuts and coconuts can be pollinated by wind or insects.
So the robots covering the planet with trees will be using variants of these.
The Family of All Life Alliance Policies
Click on the image to read about ANEA.
We need an improved world.
The Earth wants these things to go.
Countries, Religions And Human Plague
All these things can result in wars that could eradicate all life on Earth.
They must go.
Australia needs The Family of All Life Alliance.
The World needs The Family of All Life Alliance.
We humans are here for hundreds of millions of years if we eliminate CRAHP.
Support The Family of All Life Alliance. Click on the image to buy the books as paperbacks or e-books from Amazon.
Humans are a plague. Some of the effects on other life and possible solutions.
The country has huge problems including with those seeking to divide us and as described in the following article which need to be addressed.
See the new item on Andrew Bolt blasts ‘disastrous leftist ideology’ in Indigenous policy.
If you are Australian you should read the article.
A quarry and an unfair tax system
The article on the ABC on the 19th March, 2023, is a reason for young Australians to take a much more active role in the running of this country.
All Australians should read the article.
Click on the link below to read the article.
A quarry and an unfair tax system: Why is this the economy young Australians are inheriting?
How education needs to change at present and in the future.
Comments on the many ways our politicians can improve.
Maxwell Empire Books
Seeding the Universe with Earth Life
Read about life on Earth in 4576 and planet Maxwell 01 in 4587.
Buy the books on Amazon to support The Family of All Life Alliance.
The actions necessary for all of us
Just because we can do something it does not mean that we should.
Humans will be on this planet for millions of years.
Stop destroying our home and our children’s home.
And our great, great, grand children’s home.
And ………………..
Stop having so many kids.
Recycle all products.