Albury, Australia
Lavington science fiction author
The author of the Maxwell Empire Books
Photos from elsewhere
Phu Phra Bat Historical Park, Thailand
Education issues
Learning more motivated
Computer coding is not for everyone
Teaching was not enough.
We were the only school to have produced books for the new curriculum.
You would be welcome to help the students with their English.
An email to a friend after having been in Nigeria at a school in Lagos for a year. Hopefully it is much better.
Alone in China.
2012 Expectations of Kaplan students
Some comments about the students in China.
A comment on students there.
Changes coming soon
Advertisement for book and accompanying CD
Aids for learning English
As Classrooms Go Digital, Textbooks Are History
Another aspect on changes
Australia has a defective Education system
Speech by Alan Tudge
Misguided academics
Use online learning.
Online courses for free.
About meditation
All schools in Australia should be compelled to have their students watch this to give them a true idea of our country.
Students of English write for the Nong Khai News.
No English = no future
A way to tackle stress