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Living in Albury, NSW, Australia


Location, location, location is the mantra of the real estate agent.

So what is it about Albury that facilitates a better life?

Albury is on the Murray River.

Hence water based sports are available.

So there are swimming, fishing and canoeing.

The river is dammed nearby producing a huge lake.

So there are sailing, water skiing, power boating and more fishing.

Sailing 01

Snowfields are a couple of hours away in winter so they can go skiing and tobogganing.

The city has numerous sports fields.

So there are teams for playing soccer, Australian Rules Football, rugby, netball, and another forty sports.

Children can join cadets with either the army or air force. With the latter they can have the opportunity to learn to fly.

Situated only 300km from Melbourne day trips to this city are a possibility.

Canberra is a similar distance and so day trips can be easily managed.

Sydney is twice as far away so while day trips are a possibility they are not as comfortably achieved.

This makes it possible to enjoy the facilities of these cities without the expense of hotel stays.

With a population of about one hundred thousand in Albury - Wodonga there are many ways folk can enjoy their time in Albury.


2014 Beginning Best Education Tours

Attempting to start a tour of Albury region.


Images from drives around Albury

Drive 211106

Drive 211108

Drives 2110_17_23_25

Drives in 2021


Shorty bath time

A rescued mudlark had a bath.




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